By Beth Christian Broschart
The Parsons Advocate
PARSONS – Larry Armbruster, president of the Tucker County Ambulance Authority, said he was authorized to let the Tucker County Commission know they have devised a plan to enhance the EMS services to the citizens and visitors to the county. He said the board has defined several goals they plan to meet including 24/7 coverage at two stations within the county.
“Our mission statement essentially says we are pledged to provide superior services to the citizens of and the visitors to Tucker County,” Armbruster said. “Everything in this proposal and the enhancements we are proposing is directed to meeting this statement. We consider it our duty to serve the public and patient care is our priority.”
Armbruster said TCAA provides EMS services to the 7,000 citizens in Tucker County and more than 1 million visitors to the area each year.
“We cover an area of 420 square miles – this is a long, narrow county with some roads that are real good and some not so good. Currently, we are staffing one full time crew at a station 24/7 and a second crew is on duty about 48 hours a week. At times, the 24/7 crew is located at Parsons and at other time, it is located in Davis, Thomas or Canaan Valley.”
Armbruster said the TCAA needs to increase employee salaries so they are at a competitive rate to keep from losing people. He said another goal is to maintain the current equipment, and be able to replace equipment as it is needed.
“We want to increase the paramedics we have on board to provide better patient care,” Armbruster said. “We want to maintain a third station and man it when necessary.”
Armbruster said the TCAA is requesting the Tucker County Commission establish a voluntary special emergency ambulance service fee effective July 1.
“We are making this request in lieu of a section of W.Va. Code 715.17 which provides for a mandatory special emergency fee,” Armbruster said. “The suggested fee for owner occupied property is $25 and for businesses and class IV property a fee of $40.”
Tucker County Commission President Lowell Moore said the Commission was not going to vote on the proposed fee at the meeting, but added the commission members were strongly considering it.
“We are strongly considering this fee,” Moore said.
Tucker County Commissioners approved the submission of budget to be mailed to the Auditor’s Office. The budget for July 1, 2016 to June 30, 2017 is nearly $1 million less than last year’s budget amount. The budget is a balanced budget, with budgeted expenses of $4,730,387 compared with a budget of $5,653,659 for last year.
“I want to thank Sherry Simmons for her hard work and dedicated service,” Moore said. “This budget is down from last year because our tax revenue is down this year. We have trimmed the budget back this year – it has been tough.”
During Wednesday’s meeting, Tucker County Commission took the following action:
-Voted to approve funding of $240 for registration for Special Olympics. Joe Meloy presented to request to Commission members.
-Voted to sign a proclamation declaring April as Child Abuse and Neglect Prevention Month. Joining Commissioners for the proclamation signing were Tucker County Family Resource Center Executive Director April Miller, Randolph Tucker Children’s Advocacy Center Coordinator Elizabeth King and Randolph Tucker County Children’s Advocacy Center Advocacy and Prevention Coordinator Margot Kubichek.
-Voted to sign a proclamation for AmeriCorps VISTA volunteers with TCHS Principal Jay Hamric, Steven Strothers and Parsons Mayor Dorothy Judy.
The next Tucker County Commission meeting is slated for 9 a.m. April 13 at the Tucker County Courthouse Courtroom.