Dear Editor,
The Win-One Sunday School Class of St. John’s United Methodist Church is sponsoring a community Bizarre Bazaar to supplement the service of the North Central Community Action in our county. They have several families in such dire financial difficulty no one group could hope to fulfill them all. However, if the whole community could pitch in a little, there’s no limit to what could be done. We are asking every church and business in the community to take part along with anyone else who would like to contribute in any way. We are open to all suggestions, but we hope to offer game booths and music for entertainment and grilled burgers, drinks, pies and ice cream to eat.
The Bizarre Bazaar is slated to take place at Mill Race Park on Saturday, May 21 from 11 a.m. to 5 p.m. Some of you could run a game booth while others could prepare and sell various food items. Those who sing or play instruments could use their talents for entertainment. If you would like to be involved in this worthy cause please call me at 304-478-3507 as soon as possible. Since this is a first time for such an undertaking, we need your support to make it a success. God bless you and we hope to hear from you soon.
Sally Purnell