Diabetes can be confusing and challenging, especially at first, but this course will give you the tools to take charge. As you may know, diabetes is a serious disease in which the body cannot use insulin effectively or make enough.
The problems that can arise from this are referred to as complications. However, complications do not have to happen. Through WVU Extension’s Dining with Diabetes program, you can learn about different medical tests that are important for managing diabetes and what the results of those tests mean. Each class includes a main topic lesson, physical activity exercise, and a cooking demonstration.
In April the Tucker County Extension Office held the four week course at the Parson’s Senior Center. We had several participants attend the sessions and complete the program. This month we held the reunion class for participants. This class focused on herbs and spices and creating you own blends to use in the kitchen. The participants really enjoyed making their creations and catching up on their progress and failures over the last three months. Every participant received a free A1c’s during the four week course and another during the reunion class. If you have any questions or our interested in a Dining with Diabetes class please contact the Extension Office at 304.478.2949 ext:209.