CHARLESTON – Frontier Communications (NASDAQ: FTR) announced that it has activated its strike contingency plan in West Virginia. Members of the management team, outside contractors and representatives from other Frontier organizations will continue to provide West Virginia customers with quality customer service. The Company is working to minimize disruptions to customer service.
“Our objective in these negotiations has been to preserve good jobs with competitive wages and excellent benefits, while addressing the needs of our ever-changing business,” said Chris Levendos, Executive Vice President, Field Operations. “All of our contract proposals have included the continuation of generous wages and benefits. We would like to continue to engage in constructive contract negotiations with CWA and resolve this matter quickly.”
Frontier is one of West Virginia’s best employers. Average annual wages for the Company’s union employees exceed $64,500, and more than half of all union employees earn more than $75,000 per year. For comprehensive family medical coverage, most employees pay less than $150 per month for family coverage, with no annual deductible and low co-pays. Including employee benefits, the Company’s average employee cost per CWA member is more than $100,000.
Residential customers with service questions may call 800-921-8101. Business customers with service questions may call 800-921-8102.Customers may also access Frontier’s Help Center to manage their accounts.