The Parsons Revitalization Organization and OnTrac named Dr. Cynthia Kolsun as their first executive director.
Kolsun, a board member for the past few years, relinquished her board duties and began her new duties as Executive Director on May 1.
The Parsons Revitalization Organization (PRO) began in the early 2000s. Later, Parsons became an OnTrac Project through the state, and the organization became PRO/OnTrac.
The West Virginia OnTrac (Organization, Training, Revitalization and Capacity) program was created by Main Street West Virginia and endorsed by Governor Joe Manchin to assist West Virginia communities in their efforts to boost economic and community growth.
Currently, PRO/OnTrac is working on refurbishing the Bank and McDonald Buildings. PRO recently wrote a grant for the fitness activity centers in Mill Race Park, sponsored a memorial flood event, began Celebrate Parsons, Christmas House Tours, and provided art in the park, among other activities.
Kolsun said that this summer might bring some exciting, surprising events to Parsons. “I want to do my part to give Parsons’ residents opportunities we deserve,” Kolsun said. “We have tremendously talented and caring people who work together for our community.”
Kolsun holds a Bachelor of Science in Language Arts, a Master of Arts in counseling psychology, an Educational Administrative Certificate from Marshall University, and a Doctorate in Education from West Virginia University.
Kolsun has 42 years of experience in education, having taught, English, Drama, Creative Writing, Newspaper, Yearbook and Composition at the junior high and high school levels. She served as a vocational counselor, high school counselor, job placement coordinator, and adult night administrator, among other positions.
Her administrative experiences include: assistant superintendent of Randolph County Schools, Superintendent of Tucker and Hampshire County Schools, and Mentor at South Branch Career Technical Center.
She currently works as a lead team member for AdvancEd. “My experiences in a number of areas should be helpful to me in this position,” Kolsun said. “We’ve already been successful in writing a few small grants for PRO/On Trac. Furthermore, I’m committed in making our organization work for our city. I’m fortunate to have this opportunity to serve as Executive Director.”
“Parsons is indeed ‘a small city with a big heart.’ Throughout the years, I’ve come to love Parsons and our people,” she said. “My grandparents grew up here, and I had always heard about the warmth and sincerity of the people. It’s all true.”
Cynthia is married to Bruce Kolsun, and they have 2 children, Stacey Harper and Phillips Kolsun, and four grandchildren: Jackson, Evie, Will and Ben.
PRO/OnTrac is looking for volunteers. If you’re interested, please contact Kolsun at 304-553-1012.