Dear Editor:
I would like to reaffirm Dr. Andes letter to the editor that was in the paper. It is about time “We the People” speak up and take back the government and our beloved country. He who aims at nothing, hits it!
Jesus is the way, the truth and the life. If we want to have life more abundantly, we need to get involved and insist our legislators follow the Constitution! Our Constitution comes from the Bible! In fact all our laws and judicial system is framed from how God did it in His Word. Let’s make our voices heard!
We can get involved by contacting our congressmen. To make it easier I have included their phone numbers in DC:
- Senator Joe Manchin: 202-224-3954
- Senator Shelly Moore Capito: 202-224-6471
- Representative David McKinley: 202-225-4172
- Main switchboard for either: 202-224-3121
- Whitehouse Comment Line: 202-456-1111
Let’s get involved. We the people are to govern! Our politicians just represent us.
Connie Evans
Eglon, WV