The Cortland Foundation, a 501(c)3 organization, helps Cortland Acres secure resources to enhance the health and well-being of the Cortland community. The Foundation appreciates the following for supporting our efforts in 2013.
Restricted Funds
Deborah and Charles Berry, Don and Tena Black, Ms. Belva Dilly, Hansford Insurance, G. Dewey and Estelle Rice (in memory of Dick Wolfe), Sunrise Sanitation Services
Unrestricted Funds
Walter Arnold, Crystal and Bob Boone, Jeanne Boury, Dan and Judy Bucher, Beth and Dave Clevenger, Jr. and Millie Davis, Mary Frances Evans, Anne Felty, John and Titi Ferguson, Karen and David Goff, Father Timothy Grassi, J.R. Helmick Jr., Hope, Love and Charity Inc., Lantz Plumbing, Mary Beth Lind, Karen Linton, Scott Lycliter, Alisha McCune, Larry and Kathy McCune, Ed McDonald, Eleanor Mininger, Moore Farm Service, Brad Moore, Terry and Lois Nelson, Jennifer Newland, Pat A. Nichols, Allen and Linda Loughry (in memory of Tony Lambruno), Ms. Betty Neel, Sam Riffle, Gay and Virginia Roth, Paul and Eva Rudy, Mary Sagace, Sarah Schwartz, Diana Shoemaker, Bill and Linda Smith, George and Mariwyn Smith, Chris and Kelly Stadelman, Brian and Debbie Stevens, Sue Sutton and family (in memory of Tony Lambruno)
Resident Fund
Jean Balassone (in memory of Tony Lambruno), Ray and Ouida Podlasek (in memory of Jerry Cummings), Ms. Rebecca E. Wilkins, Allen and Liz Passman (in memory of Tony Lambruno)
In-kind Gifts
Dan and Judy Bucher, Chef Brian Covell, Bobbi and Charles Grinnan, Trenton Helmick, Sam Goughnour, Chasity Putlovis, Dan Sager, Kiena Smith
Run For It
Don and Tena Black, Patrick Jasaz, Ella Jean Luzier, Teresa Lycliter, Dr. Jim and Sally Mazzella, Randall Moore, Tammy Michael, Lois Nelson, Leila Nestor, Gariet Pennington, Dana Quattro, Chris and Kelly Stadelman, Mike and Kathy Supak, Eileen Wilfong
The Cortland Foundation accepts donations year around. For information please contact Lois Nelson, executive director, 304-463-4181