Granville Manor would like to acknowledge the rumors that have been circulating in our community. We realize that being silent is not always so golden! By not reacting to these rumors we have unfortunately given way for these rumors to thrive in environments of uncertainty, and ambiguous statement only fuels the fire.
Rumors cannot continue without exaggeration. When confronted with these rumors, one must ask themselves who is benefiting from it. Participants in rumor transmission have an investment both in the content of the rumor and in the status in transmitting the rumor. In particular, some people see retelling a rumor as a status-enhancing activity. Rumor thrives only in the absence of secure standards of evidence.
Unfortunately these slanderous rumors are from past employees who continue to harbor ill feelings toward Granville Manor. These oral statements carry no merrit. We at Granville, make no apologies for holding all employees to our code of ethics that guides and governs the care, dignity, and respect our residents deserve.
Are you really confident of the rumor based on what you’ve heard? By assessing the validity, which, in the case, is mired in doubt will eventually eliminate the negative rumors. Granville Manor is mandated to have available for public inspection any resident/family complaints, DHHR investigations, Ombudsmen reports, West Virginia State Fire Marshall’s Office, and West Virginia Office of Health and Facilities surveyors logs. We invite the public to tour our facility and research our compliance reports.
There has been an outpouring of support given to Granville Manor, our staff and administration these last few months and we look forward to our continued future ahead.
Sheila Marshall, owner
Granville Monor
Parsons, WV