WV Caring is kicking off its 14th Annual “Hearts for Hospice” campaign to increase
awareness and raise money for patient care. The “Hearts for Hospice” campaign is for
those who want to honor someone or show their support of WV Caring Hospice.
Hearts for Hospice is a community-based campaign because it is supported by local
businesses, individuals, and organizations. Even though this campaign looks like a
national in-store campaign, all the money that is raised stays right here in our local
communities. One dollar or more donated by many individuals makes a significant
difference in our loved ones and neighbor’s lives who need end-of-life care.
A fun way to show you care for someone is through our Virtual Hearts Wall. Individuals
can send a virtual heart to someone for a small donation. That special person will
receive an email stating that a person donated for them in the form of a heart. Then
both their names will appear on the “Hearts for Hospice Shout Outs” Virtual Wall on WV
Caring’s website home page at wvcaring.org.
The goal for this year’s campaign is $5,000 which benefits patient care for WV Caring,
your local, community based 501(c) 3 non-profit hospice provider for 40 years. All
proceeds raised will cover local patients who do not have insurance or the ability to pay
for end-of-life services. The campaign will run through the entire month of February.
“We hope local businesses will help us to invest in the lives of those who need our care,
said Cindy Woodyard, Vice President of Public Affairs for WV Caring. “The virtual hearts
are fun and easy to send at any time or anywhere during this campaign, especially now
as we continue to be safe during this flu and virus season,” Woodyard noted.
Local businesses, organizations and individuals are encouraged to participate.
You can support West Virginia Caring’s mission through sponsorship or
allow your customers to donate $1 or more and proudly honor their loved one on a heart
displayed in your business. WV Caring provides you with all the materials free of charge
to participate.
Look for the online virtual campaign on social media and WV Caring’s website,
www.wvcaring.org. Individuals can donate and send a heart to those in their life or
anyone to be honored on the virtual Hearts Tribute wall. A special email message will
be sent to the recipient letting them know that a donation was made in their name. All
contributions are tax deductible.
For more information or to participate please contact Kim Riley at 1-800-350-1161 or
email Kim at kriley@wvcaring.org.