By Teri Cayton
The Parsons Advocate
It is that time of year again to get out in the gardens and flower beds. Mine are a mess and I hope I still have some of my plants and bushes to come back this year. I had a HUGE problem last year with the deer eating my hostas. At home and at work they took them right to the ground. This year I am going to fight back and I have found the perfect solution. I am going to give it to you as well in a recipe that will hopefully deter the pesky beasties. Momma Said, “I know everything needs to eat but find something else beasties!!”
The deer took out my hydrangeas as well. I had found the most beautiful ones with a red bloom and I was so proud of them when I planted them. I was soooo looking forward to them blooming and last year when they started to bud out the little stinkers ate off every one of them, I did not get one bloom.
So I have already put out the Irish Spring soap around everything including my new lilies that I transplanted from my sister’s home. I got some really spectacular ones and I am hoping to see blooms everywhere. I also planted an upstart from my butterfly bush and I am crossing my fingers that it survived what little winter we had.
I have shared diggings, seeds and cuttings with my brother. He seems to have a green thumb so I hope they all do well for him. Momma Said, “Share the bounty of the earth and it will bring its own rewards.” I just love to see all the beautiful flowers and trees and appreciate every day that the sun shines down on all of us.
Organic Deer Juice Garden Spray
6 whole cloves garlic
1 – 2.5 oz. container chili powder
1 – 2.5 oz. container cayenne pepper
1 bar Fels-Naptha soap, grated
6 shallots
4 eggs
Cheese cloth
5 gallon bucket with lid or large container with lid
Hot water
For best results put garlic cloves, shallots and eggs (shell and all) in a food processor and grind. Fill bucket or large container with hot water. Place all ingredients in a large piece of cheesecloth and tie securely. Place in bucket or container of water and replace lid. Let sit for a few days until fully infused. Stir liquid and place in spray bottle. Spray around plants usually eaten by deer or rabbits. They both rely on their sense of smell and this is not to their liking. If you have a lot of plants you can make a large batch and pour a border around your plants.