Many volunteers donated their time, finances, and resources to this year’s Hinkle House Christmas Baskets. Through their generosity 226 Christmas Baskets were distributed serving 654 people. The total number of people served in the month of December was 353 households and 987 people.
The food pantry is a ministry of the First United Methodist Church of Parsons. Hinkle House is located across from the church at 101 First Street, Parsons, WV 26287. Food distribution is each Thursday from 1-2:30 p.m. As part of the food donations come from the government the USDA guidelines require that each person or family is only supposed to come once per month to the food pantry for distribution.
Emergency needs outside this distribution time can be provided by calling 304-478-1114. This guideline is needed because there is
limited supply even though we desire to serve everyone possible. There is a sign-up form to begin coming to the food pantry that can be completed upon your first visit. This is basic information including family size not income, there is no required additional documentation. If you have questions, please contact us at the number listed above.