By Teri Cayton, The Parsons Advocate
I am so glad to have Daylight Savings Time back, now I don’t have to wake up in the dark. I would rather wake up to sunshine and birds singing, I really miss that. I know I would not make it in Alaska during the winter. Momma Said, “Sunshine makes everything better.”
I like to see all the flowers start to poke through and the crocus are already blooming, soon the daffodils will be up and waving in the breeze. The first greening of the forests always makes me happy I would miss that if I lived in the desert. Momma Said, “Make the best of what you have and where you are.”
Every place has its special celebration of the season changes and I guess the deserts explode with color when all the cactus bloom and the wildflowers make a beautiful carpet. The high mountain pastures are the same and I am sure I could go on forever. But for me it is seeing the mountains turn from bland to beautiful with all the different colors of green.
Soon it will be mowing time again and I would like to plant more flowers at my house. I have really gotten into planting succulents in every available pot I can find. The hens and chicks multiply like crazy and I will soon need to thin them out again. They have weathered the winter well and all of them have turned from green to red. Wherever you are you can find the beauty of nature all you have to do is look.