Sausage gravy and biscuits, eggs, home fries, juice and coffee was the menu for the Fellowship Breakfast served at the First United Methodist Church on March 1. Cooks were Buzz, Bobby, Peabody, Marvin, Julia and Jon.oldsThose attending were Rosalee Moore, Ron and Ann McDonald, Wanda Booth, Virgil Knotts, Jr., Junior George, Katy Ends, Harry Nefflen, Jared Parsons, Denzil Evans, Jason, Rhonda, Sadie and Matthew Ends, Pastor Jeff and Devon Anderson, Jim Rogers, Joe Summerfield, Glenn Summerfield, Cheyenne Summerfield, Dee and Connie Sponaugle, Donna and Frank Mason, Joe Sylvia, Alaina and Natelie Owens, Canan Summerfield, Barb Miller and Barb Cross.
The next breakfast will be held after the Sunrise Service on Easter Sunday, April 5 at 7:30 a.m. This will be the last fellowship breakfast until next fall. Have a great spring and summer, and thanks to everyone who attended our breakfasts.