This is a booklet on The “Dandy Lions” Club at Parsons Graded School, organized January 1960 and sponsored by the River City Garden Club and Mountaineer Garden Club. Officers were: Pres. Pamela Collins, VP Lisa Mauzy, Sec. Kimberlee Michael, Treas. Cindy Kelley. Project Chair. Lori Sprenger, Horticulture Chair Rebecca Moore, Conservation Chair Timmy Myers, Therapy Chair Mary Ann Aubertin. Some activities included: fixing fruit basket for rest home, make corsages for members mothers, make Christmas favors and scrapbooks for rest home, host guest speaker Harold Matlick, watched a nature film, Valentine workshop, flower arrangements and using driftwood, Easter Workshop, nature hike and picnic, enter flower show at Tucker County Fair. Ideas or comments contact Tim Turner 304-478-3389.