The Tucker County Senior Citizens held their monthly Outpost at the Parsons Center on March 1, 2022. Evelyn Moore welcomed everyone. Everyone recited the Pledge of Allegiance, and sang “God Bless America”.
Those having March birthdays were recognized and everyone sang “Happy Birthday” to them. Those present were: Betty Sturm, Virginia Popio, Evelyn Moore, Junior Mason, Earl Moore, and Mary Grado.
Ken Knotts read “One of These Days” then Arlene Ramsey read “A Dozen Roses”. Our thoughts then turned to March happenings. Patty Wilfong read “Legend of the Shamrock” and Linda Bonner read “Daylight Saving Day”.
Since there was no other entertainment for the day Linda Bonner showed a DVD of the Center’s recent trip to the Southern Caribbean. She showed beautiful vegetation and bright blue oceans. Some of the people that were on the cruise rode on a submarine so a few of the pictures were from inside the submarine. There were many different flowers, cacti, and other plants. They visited the islands of St. Croix and St. Maarten (the Dutch side of the island) and the French side of the island is St. Martin. The next island they visited was St. Lucia. Linda said they were amazed by the roads. She said they went around about 25 hairpin turns in about 30 or 35 miles! The next island they visited was Barbados then they cruised back north stopping at the island of St. Kitts. Everyone enjoyed this cruise and wanted to know if they could do one next year. Linda said to start saving money and maybe in 2024 we’ll do another cruise.
Door Prizes were won by: Junior Mason, Patty Wilfong, and Raymond Collins
Ken Knotts asked a blessing on our food and we enjoyed a delicious meal.