The St. George Seniors met on April 18, 2024 at 6:00 pm for a covered dish supper at the St. George Community Church. Sharon Daniels welcomed everybody, led the Pledge of Allegiance, and blessed the food. After a delicious meal, Sharon started off the program of Show-N-Tell by showing pictures of when her family rode horses in the area and particularly the St. George Day parade.
Linda Bonner shared her history book of the baseball games and stadiums she had visited. Brenda Jones and Sherri Smith shared a stash of vintage Christmas cards which would have been sent out in the mid 1900’s. Doloris Propst exhibited her lovely antique quilt and Eleanor Nestor displayed her handmade baskets. Becky and Kevin Arbogast entertained the group in song.
Attending in addition to the above were Dale Varner, Anna Fitzwater, Don Nestor, Sue Carroll, Wanda Snider, Shirley Cassidy, Raymond Collins, Jane Pifer, Mabel Fitzwater, Sylvia Rosenau, Buddy Arnold, Jim Poling, Janice Poling, Carol Weinstein, Pete Kuhn, Virginia Popio, April Fitzwater, and David Varner.
The next meeting is Thursday, May 16 at 6:00 pm. Come, bring a covered dish, and enjoy good food and fellowship. The Parsons Senior Center provides door prizes and a van for transportation. For any questions concerning the services of the Senior Center, please call 304-478-2423.