Just a reminder: Citizens Bank of West Virginia is providing a free lunch at the Parsons Senior Center the first Thursday of every month. Davis medical Center is providing the free lunches at Mt. Top Center also on the first Thursday of each month. The lunches are served from 11:30 until noon. These are eat-in only.
The dates for the Lancaster trip are July 19th and 20th. The cost will be $320 per person based on double occupancy. We will collect $160 on April 14, 2022 and the other $160 on May 19, 2022.
We still have places for the Albuquerque International Balloon Fiesta. The dates for this trip are September 30, 2022 to October 6, 2022. The total cost will be $2400 per person based on double occupancy. At this point if you have not made a payment, each will be $600 for March through June. These payments are due around the 15th of each month. Final payments must be made by June 15, 2022. We will be taking a bus to the airport so you don’t have to worry about that.
We want to go to the Mountain Playhouse in JUNE to see a comedy play titled “Popcorn Falls” but we are awaiting an exact date from the theater. Please note the date change. We will give you the exact date after the travel committee meets. It will be the first part of the month.
We have scheduled the dates for the performances at the Gandy Dancer Theatre. We will see the Legends show on Friday evening at 6:00 p.m. on July 15, 2022. We have seats reserved for Saturday, October 22, 2022 for the premier show at 6:00 p.m. We have seats reserved for the Christmas show on Saturday, December 3, 2022 at noon. When you call to get your name on the list, please tell the ladies which trip you are interested in so we can keep them straight. The price at this time for each of these trips is $38 if you provide your own transportation and $45 if you ride the van. We’re trying to keep the prices down but as you all know, the price of gas has gone up greatly.
We are looking for some local people either in the Parsons area or from the mountain area that would be interested in providing entertainment for our monthly Outposts. Our Outposts are covered dish dinners beginning with some relevant readings then the entertainment for approximately 30 minutes before we do door prizes and have a delicious meal. If you sing, play an instrument, dance, or something else to entertain our seniors please call Linda Bonner, Activities director, at 304-478-2423. We would love to have you share your talent with us.
Also, if you would like to teach a class in knitting, crocheting, sewing, etc. we’d love to hear from you. We’ve had a request for someone to do a writing class for us.
Volunteering for a short time will help you and make our seniors happy. Please consider what you might do to help.