1. Hamm Placed on Sex Offender Registry
By: Lydia Crawley
The Parsons Advocate
Travis D. Hamm has been ordered onto the Sex Offender Registry. Hamm appeared before Judge Steven L. Shaffer January 14th along with his attorney Morris Davis. Savannah Wilkins represented the State in the matter.
Hamm’s appearance was to clarify some paperwork that was lost during the transition between Judges at the first of the year. Hamm signed new copies of the sex offender registry requirements and terms of conduct of supervised release during the hearing.
As part of the hearing, Judge Shaffer read the requirements Hamm would need to follow to the Hamm in open court and into the record.
Judge Shaffer also recommended to Hamm that he stay up to date with any all requirements. Judge Shaffer described the requirements as hard to comply with and outlined the penalties for non compliance that compounded with each offense. “They’d get tired of seeing me if I had to do this,” Judge Shaffer said.
Hamm was convicted of one count of distribution and exhibiting of material depicting minors engaged in sexually explicit conduct in a case heard by Judge Courrier in December.
2.Morgan Appears for Pretrial
By: Lydia Crawley
The Parsons Advocate
Wendall Morgan appeared January 14th before Judge Steven L. Shaffer in the 22nd District Court in Tucker County for a pretrial hearing. Morgan appeared with his attorney Aaron Yoho. Tucker County Prosecuting Attorney Savannah Hull Wilkins represented the State in the matter.
Attorney Yoho said he had recently taken over the case and had not received the entire file as of yet to review. He said that the previous attorney had done nothing wrong in the transfer of information.
Yoho also said the parties were working on a plea agreement. There were two cases and a global plea agreement could encompass both cases.
There was mention that the case may go to trial in March or April.
3. Shaffer Pleads Guilty to Domestic Battery, Unlawful Restraint
By: Lydia Crawley
The Parsons Advocate
Chad Shaffer plead guilty to one count of First Offense Domestic Battery and one count of Unlawful Restraint as part of a plea agreement January 14th before Judge Steven L. Shaffer in the 22st District Court in Tucker County.
Shaffer appeared in court along with his attorney Morris Davis. Tucker County Prosecuting Attorney Savannah Hull Wilkins represented the State in the matter.
As part of the plea agreement, the parties agreed to no deferred adjudication. There was also the stipulation that although not a felony, the defendant would surrender his firearm rights. The plea agreement also suggested that the two sentences of up to 12 months and a $500 fine each run concurrent.
As part of the plea agreement, two counts of strangulation were dismissed. Attorney Davis said he believed had the case gone to trial strangulation would have been proven. “I believe this plea deal reduces his exposure a great deal,” Davis said.
Shaffer’s case was turned over to probation for a presentencing evaluation prior to a sentencing hearing.
During the proceedings, Judge Shaffer asked the defendant and made it clear that the two were no relation and had no prior knowledge of each other or contact due to the similarity of the last names. “I don’t know you, Chad Shaffer, from Adam,” Judge Shaffer said.