Memorial Day Proclamation and Honor

On Memorial Day, a day in which we remember all those who have paid the supreme sacrifice for our freedoms, a large group of citizens gathered at the Bever Creek Bridge on Rt. 93 to celebrate the new proclamation from the State of West Virginia and Governor Justice naming the Bridge in honor of a  hometown boy who was killed in Action December 8, 1967 in Vietnam.

George Worden fellow Viet Nam Veteran submitted his name to Charleston to permanently honor PFC Victor A. Mazitis Jr. as the new name for this Bridge. In attendance were dignitaries and Delegates from the State, Del Danny Wagner, Buck Jennings and Lynn Phillips, State Rep, for this Region who read the proclamation from Governor Justice.
Mazitis’ Mom Ann Mazitis Cangley and many Family members.  The event was also attended by local Veterans, MHS Classmates of 1965,Commissioner Diane Hinkle, State Road officials and WV State Police.

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