By Heather Clower
The Parsons Advocate
A new face was present at the Solid Waste Authority meeting and will be seen at the Tucker County Landfill as acting chair of the SWA Mark Holstine announced a new Executive Director has been hired. Jody Alderman, formerly from Pocahontas County, has been extended a formal contract to take on this role. “Jody has 20 plus years of experience in landfill management, he also has experience in wastewater treatment and he has worked since 1997 at the Pocahontas County Solid Waste Authority Landfill,” stated Holstine. “It’s good to be here,” said Alderman, “I’m looking forward to working with you.”
New cell construction has begun at the landfill as a result of the release of the closure escrow account in the amount of approximately $2.2 million. The installation of this cell is crucial to the longevity of the facility and the amount of air space was quickly diminishing on the current, operating disposal site.
Carol Helmick, office manager of the landfill, provided the reports to the board beginning with the tonnage. In the month of July, the landfill took in 6,314.65 tons, Helmick stating, “This is the first month in our fiscal year, but the total tonnage for the year 2020 so far is 38,159.77 which is down 9,245 from 2019.” Leachate production experienced a decrease, totaling 403,340 gallons removed. There were 66 loads hauled out with 32 to Moorefield, W.Va. and 34 to Westernport, Md. “We have made quite a dent in the leachate pond,” claimed Holstine, adding that there is approximately four or five feet of free board space, a significant increase since he has joined the SWA.
The accounts receivables report indicated $333,297.11 which is an increase of over $35,000 from the month prior. “I think the increase is due to our rate increase which started July 1,” stated Helmick. All but two past due accounts have been received as well, the remainder mostly being collected on a payment plan.
Within the accounts payable report, the landfill is working to pay down their debt of over $94,000, over $85,500 of which is owed to Cleveland Brothers Equipment Company. The landfill has been paying monthly to decrease this debt, along with Radabaugh Trucking, which is now down to $8,700. The expenses are down over $114,000 largely in part due to the discontinued need of rental equipment at the facility. Holstine, Alderman, and Solid Waste Management Board Attorney Ray Keller have been working on a budget outlook until the year 2023.
The income statement was provided for review which showed a gross profit $281,715.21. The total expenditures for the month of July were $196,447.27, yielding an operating income of $85,267.94. There was a non-operating income consisting of interest and recycling of tires, which added over $3,700 to the income for the month. Board members also reviewed the balance sheet to show the account balances since the escrow accounts were released. “Things are working the way we want them to, so far” applauded Hostine.
Helmick finished with the deposits and billing report along with the p-card statement. The top 10 customers remained the same with Tygarts Valley Transfer supplying 34% of the tonnage, City of Kingwood with 19%, Sunrise Sanitation for 17%, and Envirco Inc. at 12% making up the top four customers.
Holstine took back over to offer a directors report explaining that a rock truck is still being rented for the landfill due to a recent fire that caused damage to theirs. The unit is not a total loss and will be restored. Alderman will be working to determine which equipment is needed to be purchased in what order once the landfill is to that point. The goal is to hold off until the loan with the Solid Waste Management Board in November of 2021 before purchasing a compactor due to the price of a new one.
A layer of clay for the new liner has been installed with expectation of the first layer of composite expected to be started the following week. Once this point of the process is reached, the weather will not be as much of a factor on progress. The contract states a completion deadline by the end of October, though the project may be done by the end of September.
Efforts are being made to keep the debris on the top of the cell better covered which has led to a decrease in complaints being made due to the odor. “It looks much better,” proclaimed board member Diane Hinkle.
Holstine did share concerning news that Petersburg has pulled their waste from the landfill to do an internal cost analysis to determine if it is cheaper to do business with a facility in Maryland. “If they do find that it’s cheaper, it’s not going to last because that landfill is set to close in 2021,” he added.
The board then discussed and ratified the terms negotiated with Alderman to bring him aboard at the facility. A review of the SWA bi-laws was also conducted and comments, concerns, and suggestions were made to update the documents.
The SWA will meet at the Tucker County Courthouse at 3 p.m. on Thursday, September 17, 2020.