Davis, WV Mayor Al Tomson welcomed all to the Tucker Boulder Park reopening held Friday, July 23, thanking St. George Medical Center (SGMC) Executive Director Paul Wamsley, board president Rob Burns and other SGMC staff “for their investment in the community and their support of healthy activities and lifestyles”. Dr. Elaine Moore of SGMC was given the honor of cutting the ceremonial ribbon.
Mayor Tomson commended Doug Martin, Tina Wood and Joni Felton of the Davis Parks & Recreation Commission along with former Davis Mayors Joe Drenning and Doug Martin and their respective town council members for their vision and dedication to the project. He recognized other major partners in the project: Dominion Foundation, Western Pocahontas Properties, and Tucker Community Foundation and praised everyone in the community who helped support the project.
The park opened in 2017 after installation of the beginner and advanced boulders; in 2019 the trail connector was completed. The park closed at the start of the pandemic in 2020. Reopening was stalled due to ongoing improvements at the adjacent Ball Park but fundraising efforts continued for the third boulder.
Funds from the Town of Davis, grants from Dominion Foundation and the Falling Green Fund of Tucker Community Foundation, and other private donations were matched by St. George Medical Clinic allowing for the purchase of the intermediate level boulder that was installed July 7. All three boulders were manufactured and installed by EntrePrises Climbing Walls of Bend, Oregon.
In addition to Wamsley, Burns, and Dr. Moore, other SGMC staff in attendance included Dani Lambruno, Chatel Jones and Amanda Smith. Town of Davis officials included Mayor Al Tomson, former Mayor & chair of Davis Parks & Recreation Commission Doug Martin, Joni Felton & Tina Cross Wood. Representatives from Tucker County Commission, Tucker County (TC) Development Authority, TC Planning Commission, TC Convention Visitors Bureau, and TC Family Resource Network were on hand for the celebration along with other donors, climbers, and members of the community. A bounty of food, provided by SGMC, was enjoyed by all. Volunteers Diane Beall and Carol Gwinn assisted with refreshments.
Tucker Community Foundation took the lead on grant writing and fundraising for the Tucker Boulder Park project from 2012 through January 2021. With successful completion of project outcomes, the Foundation has turned project administration over to the Town of Davis, owner/operator of Davis Ball Field & Tucker Boulder Park.
Donations to the project are tax deductible and support future improvements, signage, and upkeep of the park.
A portion of donations support the TC EMS Fund managed by the Tucker Community Foundation. To donate, checks should be made out and mailed to TOWN OF DAVIS – TBP, PO Box 207, Davis, WV 26260.
The park is free to the public. With the exception of the winter months, it is open 7 days a week dawn – dusk.