By Heather Clower
The Parsons Advocate
A new sign reading ‘Soapy Joe’s’ is situated in front of the car wash and storage units along Pennsylvania Avenue in Parsons as new owners have taken over the city amenities. Brian and Debbie Stevens purchased the business from Scott and Elizabeth Lancaster on December 31, 2020. This business consists of twelve storage units, eight of which are 10 feet by 10 feet, and four that are five feet by 10 feet in size. Three of the units are currently available for rent with nine being leased.
The carwash has four wash bays, however, one is currently undergoing some restoration work. New lights are being installed and other minor, general improvements are the Stevens’ primary focus right now before offering any additional services. Work has been done on the property including clearing of some trees.

Like many other businesses, the car wash had to shut down in early 2020 due to the Coronavirus pandemic for the safety and wellbeing of everyone. Services resumed in October and have continued daily operations since.
Currently the wash bays offer rinse, wash, a foaming brush, and wax option. Two, high powered vacuums are stationed off to the side for interior cleanouts with a coin machine offering air fresheners, glass cleaner, Armorall wipes, and a Whopper Towel, much like a chamois absorbant wipe. All services offered operate by quarter deposits and a coin machine is provided for patron’s convenience.
Mrs. Stevens stated, “We thank the Lancasters for being good business people in the community for years, they have been an asset to Parsons.” She continued, “We are looking forward to serving the people of our community and hope that people will give us a try.”

With Spring on the horizon, it is beneficial to wash your vehicles when weather allows to remove the brine and salt from winter roads that can lead to rust. Take the time to spray the undercarriage to preserve the condition of the frame. Thoroughly rinse the wheels to remove any cinders that could reduce the lifespan of the brakes and rotors and can create unsafe travel. Not only do these simple tips keep motorists safe, but it also helps increase the resale value of your automobile. You will have a clean, sharping looking, and safe vehicle to enjoy the summer sun with.
A Facebook page has not yet been developed, however it should be available in the near future with an expected name of Soapy Joe’s of Parsons. For anyone interested in renting a storage unit, they can call Stevens Realty at 304-478-2141.