By Heather Clower
The Parsons Advocate
A small crowd gathered at the Davis Town Hall regular council to keep informed with the completed projects and upcoming endeavors. Mayor Doug Martin called the meeting to order followed by Recorder Andy Snyder taking roll. All council members were present with the exception of Al Tomson. Everyone stood to recite The Pledge of Allegiance before getting into the agenda, beginning with guests.
Talia “Tali” Schwelling, who has been seen frequently at other municipality meetings, was present at the meeting to discuss their preferred signage as part of the Mon Forest Town Partnership. These signs, measuring approximately four feet by four feet and double sided, at a cost of $813.90, which is covered by the initiative. The signs can be converted into two, single sided signs if the council wishes to purchase the additional hardware, which is approximately $15. These signs are going into production later this month so decisions need to be made regarding which icons and service amenities Davis wishes to have on display. The three larger icons chosen were the waterfall, biking, and skiing. The service amenities will include information center, camping, dining, bike repairs, fuel, and lodging. Snyder recommends one sign be placed coming into Davis on Corridor H and the other at the South end of town, which are the roadways with the most traffic. A suggestion was made that the icons, in the future, be made into interchangeable magnets whereas the towns can rotate which are displayed during which season, such as wildlife during hunting season and skiing only displayed in the winter for example. The town employees will be responsible for setting the signs, though guidance from Schwelling if desired. Snyder made a motion to move forward with the icons and service amenities with a second by Councilman John Felton via phone.
Tina Wood with the Parks and Recreation in the town of Davis was next on the schedule to express the need to install the final boulder at the Boulder Park. The total invested in the project budget is over $500,000 which has been solely through grants and donations. “Boulder number three will complete the project,” Wood confirmed. These grants used were strictly for recreational use only; therefore, the funds could not have been spent on any unrelated projects. “As of two years ago and most likely still true, Tucker Boulder Park is the only dedicated boulder park on the East coast,” stated Wood, and it is free to the public. The park has brought several positives to the area, such as access to the trail, supporting EMS, a gain in acreage; local contractor was employed, as well as sparking more interest in the ball field. Wood noted if the town would agree to contribute funds to the project it could stimulate an initiative for other businesses and donors to contribute with the knowledge of the town of Davis matching those donations up to a certain amount. “We are asking the town of Davis for $10,000.” she said. This last, medium sized boulder is approximately $90,000 to complete the project. This item could not be voted on at this time, it was intended as a request to be considered by the council.
Motions were then made to approve the minutes from the January 8 meeting as well as a motion made to return to regular order of business. Committee reports began with Martin providing accounts payable for review. Councilman Terry Helmick provided a list of completed projects within the town limits as it relates to the streets, alleys, and water. He noted a service line leak that was discovered on Quattro Hill and has already been repaired. Martin then announced a notice of retirement of Sherri Helmick, water billing clerk, effective May 15 after over 30 years of service. An ad for the position will be posted in The Parsons Advocate so the interviewing and hiring process can begin. The goal is to hire in March so the successful candidate can begin training with Sherri Helmick prior to her final day.
There were no reports regarding ordinances or the cemetery. Wood reported once more on the January 13 Parks and Recreation meeting where the boulder was the main topic of discussion. She also wanted to note anyone interested in reserving the Community Center will need to fill out a contract that will be in the Town Hall and make their deposits at that time. All other projects are on hold due to the weather.
Old business began with Councilwoman Lisa Cousin sharing her concern over the need to replace the town’s 1995, 11 yard garbage truck which requires a CDL to operate, which they no longer have. She has done some research with the company they purchased their current truck from, which will accept a trade in as well as deliver. To be operated by non-CDL holders, the truck has to be under 26,001 pounds and not have any air brakes. The truck Cousin felt would be best suited for the needs of the town was that of a 2015, 12 yard truck with approximately 74,000 miles with an asking price before trade at $97,900. Payments can be made towards this purchase, though Martin brought to the council’s attention of the potential rate increase at the Tucker County Landfill. Helmick added that on Tuesdays, the garbage collection crews are making around six trips to the landfill and on Friday a single trip. This larger truck will accommodate more trash potentially leading to fewer trips, however with the recent loss of recycling there are a lot of unknowns. The council agreed to continue seeking out prices and options with the understanding that it is something that needs addressed.
There was nothing to discuss under new business at this time moving the meeting into correspondences. Snyder announced the upcoming Tucker County Day in Charleston on February 5 at 5 p.m. extending an invitation to all who wish to attend. The National Bank of Davis is also in consideration to be added to the National W.Va. Registry of Historic Places. The establishment has already been toured and the announcements will be made in Charleston at the culture Center on February 20. In the case of inclement weather, the makeup date will be February 27.
Cousin made a motion to pay the bills with a second by Councilwoman Cindy Robeson. Robeson made a motion to adjourn with Cousin making a second. The next meeting of the Davis Town Council will be Wednesday, February 12 at 6:30 p.m.