On Sunday, Oct. 16 the congregation of St. John’s United Methodist Church gathered together for a pot luck supper to celebrate Pastor Appreciation Month. Rev. Philip and Mrs. Tracey Dent were the honored guests.
After a delicious meal, the St. John’s Youth group, under the direction of youth leaders Alisa Poling and Angie Swisher, provided entertainment. They sang a spoof song entitled “The Reverend Dent Song” with an accompanying slide show.
Youth participating in the entertainment were Candy and Lacey Cross, Christian and Justin Purnell, Ryan Hart, Evan and Hannah Swisher. Lacey Evans provided the graphics and Paul Poling also assisted.
Those attending the supper were Larry and Linda Bates, Harold and Joyce Fansler, Mary Grado, Steve and Mary Swisher, Rachel Carr, Taylor Scott, Willetta Bolinger, Axle, Paige, Justin and Christian Purnell, John Kahl, Jean Masters, John and Kim Sharp, Donna, Candy and Lacey Cross, Wanda Fike, Alisa and Paul Poling, Lesa Tenney, Victor and Ruth Beckman, David and Beverly Bennett, Sonny and Patty Wilfong, Linda Lawrence, Josh Haney, Shirley Hyson, Hazel Evick, Grace Stevens, Angie, Evan and Hannah Swisher, Ryan Hart, Abby Zais, Shelley Gooden, Robert Townscend, Mary and Don Snyder, Mike Evans, Arlie and Snookie Davis, Ed Brobst, Jennifer Ends, Katy Ends, Jason, Rhonda, Sadie and Matthew Ends, John and Lacey Evans, Melissa Hardy Jones, Delmas Hardy, Jim Strawderman, Warren, Sarah, Marissa and Cameron Judy, Kelly and Adelene Snyder, Brandi Herron, Jake Kopec, Joyce Metheny and the honored guests, Phil and Tracey Dent.