The Fellowship Breakfast at the First United Methodist Church was held on March 2, 2014, at 8 a.m.. The menu consisted of Sausage Gravy and Biscuits, Home Fries, Eggs, Juice and Coffee.
Those attending were Marvin Canfield, Joel Goughnour, Edwin Booth, Bobby Phillips, John Bush, Julia Canfield, Buzz Harper, Joe Summerfield, Billy and Becky McDonald, Ron and Ann McDonald, Eldred Bright, Dorothy Simpson, Katy Ends, Jason, Rhonda, Sadie and Matthew Ends, Connie Sponaugle, Rosalee Moore, Wanda Booth, Barbara Cross, Jeff, Carla and Devon Anderson, VJ, Angie, Luke and Cassie Davis, David Rucker, Canon Summerfield, Denny, Marcia and Thomas Evans, Joe Lantz, R. J. Lantz, Glenn Summerfield, Connie Feather, Leona Marsh, Lillian White, and Katelyn Myers.
The next monthly breakfast will be held April 6, 2014, 8 a.m. There will also be a Sunrise Breakfast on Easter Sunday, April 20 at 7:30 a.m. The menu for this breakfast will be ham, eggs, home fries, biscuits, juice and coffee. This will be the last regular Sunday morning breakfast until the fall. Everyone is welcome.