By Heather Clower
The Parsons Advocate
The Tucker County Grand Jury hears pending charges on four county residents to determine whether probable cause was present. Once the jury hears the evidence from Prosecuting Attorney Ray LaMora and any witnesses to the crime, the jury must decide whether the charges will be dropped or if the individuals will move into the circuit court process.
Upon hearing all of the pending charges and witness statements, James Nelson was charged with one count of first-degree arson where probable cause was found by the jury.
Lester Mook was indicted on three counts of burglary as a principal in the second degree, defined as an individual present at the scene of a crime and aids, abets, or encourages the commission of the crime with the required criminal intent. L. Mook also had a charge of first-degree arson in which probable cause was found.
Tammy Mook had four counts of burglary and one count of first-degree arson, all of which she was indicted. The charges of these three individuals coincide with the same crime, where a cabin-like dwelling was allegedly burglarized and then set fire on Dry Fork Road.
All of the before-mentioned charges went directly to the Circuit Court; therefore bond will be discussed and set at the arraignment on Tuesday, October 13, beginning at 9 a.m.
Deanna Waybright was also charged with one count of uttering where she allegedly used a check from a business which is closed to buy goods at Jim’s All-Star. Waybright is currently out on bond for additional uttering charges and will appear for her arraignment on October 13.
After the grand jury, one criminal hearing took place before the Honorable Judge James Courrier for Steven Moore, former Executive Director of the Tucker County Solid Waste Authority. Moore is charged with six counts of embezzlement and one count of fraudulent schemes, all of which are felonies. This hearing was scheduled as a plea hearing, however, the defendant failed to show and his attorney, Aaron Yoho, was unsure of his whereabouts. LaMora motioned for a capias be placed on Moore, which is a written order for someone’s arrest, though Judge Courrier denied the motion because Moore has never missed an appointment until now. Moore is rescheduled to appear at 10:15 a.m. on November 13.