“Eleven people participated in the training and are ready to share what they learned with their students and the public. Teachers from Tucker, Upshur and Marshall counties participated and we also had yoga instructors and fitness specialists from Kanawha and Harrison counties take advantage of this great opportunity.” stated April Miller, Executive Director of the TCFRN. “The training was made possible through funds received by the TCFRN from the Region 4 Project Success program of Harrison County”, stated Miller.
Miller stated that the feedback from the participants has been very positive and that they are very excited to share what they have learned about the program. Miller stated “Kidding Around Yoga is geared for children ages 2-12. It’s a very well-done program that brings laughter, movement and fun activities for children. Kidding Around Yoga promotes peace, joy and mindfulness. It follows an organized timeline, which starts with children seated. The kids are given a mindful activity to quiet things down as they listen to the lesson, then they move off the floor with a funny little story, the poses have animal names and the songs are really cute. Playfulness and encouragement of a child’s imagination is key.”
The TCFRN and TC Drug Free Coalition will be incorporating the KAY curriculum into its support groups and playgroup activities. If anyone is interested in learning more or having someone bring this curriculum to any group that works with children, please contact the TCFRN at 304-478-3827 or email them at tuckerfrn@hotmail.com. You can also find information on the web at www.tuckercountyfrn.org.