The Leadmine United Methodist Women held their regular monthly meeting at the fellowship hall, June 1, 2016 starting with a light dinner at 6 p.m. The meeting followed with a prayer by Marilyn Phillips. The U.M.W. purpose was read by all that was present. The secretary’s report was given by Norva Warner and roll call was taken with each answering with a bible verse. Wilda Henline gave the treasurer report. Our local donation will go to 4-H to help send a child to camp. The conference donation will go to the Heart and Hand House and a Love Gift to the Church and Community Workers. We sang one of Melissa Bowley’s favorite songs, which was “I’ll Fly Away”, and Heather Lantz, president, spoke on the background of the song. Prema Kines gave devotions with a reading called “Great Faith”-by Helen Steiner Rice. Bobbie Hottle’s response moment was entitled “Give Abundant”. Heather read from the prayer calendar with several missions workers mention for the month. Heather thanked everyone who donated diapers and wipes for the Family Resource Network. We had our picture taken with them and it will be sent to the district Communications Coordinator to be put in the district newsletter. Heather also thanked everyone again who helped with the Mother/Daughter banquet. We presented Martha Evans with a gift and flowers as she is moving out of state. She has held the Program Resources office since 2009. Our group will miss her. Greetings from the new district president, Terry Bailes, was read. The program was presented on Peace, by Norva Warner. We had a meaningful discussion with several readings and group insight. Bobbie will have the July meeting which will be held at the fellowship hall on July 6. The meeting closed with the Lord’s Prayer prayed in unison. Those in attendance were those mentioned above and Amanda, Rachel and Gracie Hile, Judy Hile, Lavera Kelley, Barbara Evans, Marky and MariCay Phillips, Melissa, Luke, Ty and Eli Bowley, and Kimber and Riley.