The Leadmine United Methodist Women met of February 4, 2015 at the Leadmine UM Fellowship Hall. The meeting was opened by the new President Heather Hile Lantz. Lavera Kelley gave an opening prayer and the group read in unison the United Methodists’ Purpose.
Heather began with something new–Each month she will read a selection about the background of different hymns. She began with the hymn “The Old Rugged Cross,” which was authored by George Bernard. Bernard was a coal miner’s son who became a minister of the Salvation Army in Chicago. He wrote the song in 1913. Heather then played “The Old Rugged Cross” and the women sang with her.
Devotion was given by Amanda Hile who is filling in for Prema Kines. She read from Luke 15:11-24 about the prodigal son.
Norva Warner, secretary, read the minutes from our last meeting which was our December 2014 meeting, and they were accepted. Each woman quoted a scripture verse for our roll call.
Marilyn Phillips gave the Treasurer’s report. She reported a balance of $374.77. Marilyn reported that we now have dish cloths for sale and the group agreed through consensus that we would charge $1.50 per cloth.
Heather read an E-mail from Jim Alford, who is wintering in Myrtle Beach, NC. Jim wrote to say that his brother Richard was thrilled to receive a prayer shawl from the Leadmine Church and thanked everyone for their prayers. Jim also said that another brother Christian also received a prayer shawl in the past.
The group agreed to send our local donations to both the Parsons Fire Department and the Thomas Fire Department.
Bobbie Hottle gave a “Response Moment” by reading an article from the Response Magazine. Bobbie left magazines for the members to take home to read.
Heather read from the UM Women’s Prayer Calendar for the month of February.
Under new business, the group agreed to give a “Gift to Missions” to Prema Kines (for her past service) and to Pastor Brad Barton’s brother Philip, who is ill.
Heather handed out a Birthday Calendar with all member listed with their birthdays. We agreed in December to eliminate the Secret Sister gift exchange and to try to remember all our sisters this year.
Amanda Hile will have the “Program” in March and we will meet at the Fellowship Hall on March 4, 2015.
Judy Hile presented an interesting program on “Prayer and Self-Denial.” She spoke about the deacons and deaconesses who are supported by the United Methodist Church. The scripture was from Genesis 18:1-8, and the group told stories of individuals helping strangers. Judy finished with a prayer– and grace for the refreshments, and the group dismissed with The Lord’s Prayer.
Refreshments were served to Heather and Luke Lantz, Norva and Abbie Warner, Valerie Duckworth, Judy Hile, Amanda and Gracie Hile, Melissa and Eli Bowley, Pat Dunkin, Bobbie Hottle, Kathryn Knotts, Lavera Kelley, Marilyn and Maricay Phillips, Wilda Henline and Jennie Johnson.