Candidates to become WV Firefighters, recently, completed their Live Fire Training component at the RESA 7 Burn Building Facility in Clarksburg. These candidates are being sponsored by Thomas, Davis, Leading Creek and Parsons Volunteer Fire Departments.
There are 18 of our neighbors seeking certification to become a WV firefighter by completing the 120 hour curriculum. The class is taught by RESA instructor: Captain Tom Klus of the Parsons VFD. The candidates were required to implement an interior attack on a working fire and also had to do an above and below grade fire attack. The most important part of the training was the firefighter safety part of the day. The candidates experienced, safely, the events leading to the dangerous fire event called Flashover. They were instructed and practiced the needed skills to identify the conditions leading to Flashover and then to mitigate the conditions.
Some these students were be taking a 100 question Fire Fighting Test and a 50 question Hazardous Materials Test. Once they complete the class they will be ready to help the other local volunteers provide fire and rescue services to our communities.