By Heather Clower
The Parsons Advocate
January 2 marked the first meeting of the Tucker County Commission to set the field for the upcoming year. In attendance were Tucker County Commissioners Lowell Moore, Fred Davis, and Jon Bush, County Clerk Sherry Simmons, County Administrator Sheila DeVilder,
Prosecuting Attorney Ray LaMora, and County Planner Dennis Filler.
Simmons called the meeting to order where the first order of business was to elect the 2020 president of the commission. Bush made a motion to elect Moore to serve again as Commission President with Davis in agreement. A calendar of proposed meeting dates were reviewed as well as a date being suggested for the annual Christmas dinner to be held on December 11 at Piccolo Paula’s. Meetings will remain the second Wednesdays at 9 a.m. and forth Wednesdays at 4 p.m. of each month unless otherwise noted. Davis made a motion to approve the proposed schedule with Moore in agreement and Bush abstaining. The pay day and holiday schedules were also reviewed and approved unanimously.
The next order of business was to review and assign board and committee representations to the commissioners. Moore has been assigned to the following: Board of Health, Corridor H Authority, EMS Ambulance Authority Board, Flood Steering Committee, Historic Landmark Commission, Tucker County Community Corrections Board, Randolph/Tucker Partnership for Hazard Mitigation, Region VII Planning and Development, WVU Extension Agent Board, and the Tucker County Culture District.
Bush will serve on the following boards and committees: Conventions Visitors Bureau, Development Authority, E-911 Advisory Council, Heart of the Highlands Committee, Parks and Recreation, Planning Commission, Wage and Hour Board, and Work Force Investment Board.
Davis will represent the Tucker County Commission on the following: Animal Control, Canaan Valley PSD, the LEPC, and the Solid Waste Authority.
Simmons and LaMora brought a request to the commission to appoint a Fiduciary Commissioner to replace Janet Preston, who resigned on December 31, 2018. Bush made a motion to appoint Brent Easton to this position as well as to serve in this capacity regarding a recent estate referral. Moore and Davis were in unanimous agreement.
Moore made a motion to appoint Robert Summerfield to serve on the Hamrick Public Service District, which was also agreed upon by Davis and Bush. This concluded the special session of the Tucker County Commission who will return to regular session on Wednesday, January 8 at 9 a.m. This meeting will be held in the Tucker County Courthouse traditional courtroom. As always, the meetings are open to the public who are welcome to attend.