By Heather Clower
The Parsons Advocate
At the Tucker County Solid Waste Authority meeting, Tucker County Landfill Director Jodie Alderman announced, “The new cell has been completed, they are just waiting for the final grade shots on the protective cover, which is the stone work.” Commissioner Fred Davis asked how soon after approval from the Department of Environmental Protection that they will begin using the new cell, to which Alderman responded, “As soon as we can get approval, we will be in there dumping.”
The cell currently being used will continue to be where the construction material and debris will be deposited. The first four feet within the new cell cannot contain those types of materials to prevent penetration through the new liner.
Board Member Diane Hinkle made a motion to approve the minutes from September 17 with Filler making a second. All members were in favor of the minutes as presented.
Tucker County Landfill Office Manager Carol Helmick began the board reports with the monthly tonnage for September totaling 5,798.66, approximately 80 tons more than the month of August. “There was a decrease of .04 (tons) from last year in September,” Helmick added.
Even though the amount of leachate rose from August to September, the difference between September of 2019 and this year is over 300,000 gallons (21.6%) less due to the improvements made at the landfill. There were 49 loads hauled to Westernport Md. and 21 hauled to Moorefield for a total of 430,384 gallons. The total to treat the leachate last month was $10,759.60.
Accounts receivable decreased in September by less than $3,000 with all bills past due over 90 days paid with the exception of Preston Sanitation, who is making payments. Aged payables only include $65,550.77 owed to Cleveland Brothers Equipment Co. over 90 days due. Gross profit for the landfill was $210,122.33, total expenditures amounting $101,216.33, administrative expenses of $20,014.34 making a total operating expenditure of $121,230.67. The total operating income for September after taking into consideration non-operating revenue and expenditures was $60,027.84. The balance sheet, deposits and billing report, and the check register were also provided to the board for their review to show the cash flow for the landfill.
Alderman has contacted Petersburg Sanitation, who has pulled their garbage from Tucker County Landfill to experiment with using another facility, to question if they have made their decision on whether they will be returning to business with Tucker. He stated that per their conversation, their study is ongoing and no decisions have been made as of yet.
Acting Chairman Mark Holstine stated, “We seem to have resolved, at least for now, a lot of the issues we brought up at the last meeting.” It still needs to be determined how and where the flow meters will be installed onto the leachate lines which a quote is being prepared for. “I did meet with the DEP to discuss inspection frequency and expectations, at least for the next 12 months, they have to give us time to do what we need to do,” he added. Understanding and cooperation is present between the landfill and the DEP and Holstine expects resolutions to be met with time to correct the issues.
At the September SWA meeting, board members approved the purchase of several new pieces of equipment needed to perform daily duties at the landfill. Holstine brought to the table a slight discrepancy in a price. Alderman explained that the initial $342,000 price for the dozer was including a straight blade instead of the needed six way blade and needed additional striker bars to prevent waste from packing into the tracks. This brought the price to $367,000, still significantly less than over $400,000 quoted from Caterpillar.
Holstine asked for a motion to adjust the approved purchase price of the dozer to $367,000, which was offered from Board Member Jim Alford and a second from Vice Chairman Dennis Filler. All members voted in favor of the motion.
It is being discussed what the managerial role of the SWA and Tucker County Landfill is going to look like moving forward into the next 15 years per the Public Service Commission and DEP agreement. Once that is decided, Holstine will present that proposal to the SWA on behalf of the Management Board allowing for input and questions from the board. The goal is to make this presentation at the December meeting.
It was discussed last month about cell 7A’s liner being breached years ago which resulted in designing a way for the new liner to catch any leachate perking through from that site. Holstine stated that it appears to have been successful and it is being caught by the new liner.
Hinkle asked Alderman how the employees have been doing which he stated they are doing well and a new truck driver has been hired along with another individual expressing interest in learning to operate equipment.
A brief conversation occurred regarding the Virgin Hyperloop coming to Tucker County and what that may mean for the landfill. Holstine then requested a motion to add Alderman to the signature cards which were offered by Filler and Alford.
The SWA will meet again on Tuesday, December 8 at 3 p.m. at the Tucker County Courthouse Courtroom.