School supply shopping is a ritual for many heading back to school. Amid shopping sprees, kids and parents in Elkins are looking beyond their own needs and considering the difference a pencil or pen would make in the lives of needy children overseas.
For many poverty-stricken children, often a lack of basic supplies is what stands between them and attending school. By maximizing back-to-school sales, Elkins families are stocking up on school supplies for Operation Christmas Child—a massive year-round project in which volunteers pack shoeboxes with toys, school supplies, hygiene items and notes of encouragement for children in poverty across the globe.
If this back-to-school story is of interest, I am happy to set up a time for you to speak with a local volunteer of the Elkins Team about how you can be involved with this effort to help those in need overseas. If you are involved with a school group, club or organization and would like to arrange a presentation by an Operation Christmas Child Volunteer contact Bob Cowgill, Media Relations Volunteer, Elkins Team, Operation Christmas Child at 304-636-6367 or