The Tucker County Senior Citizens held their monthly Outpost at the Parsons Center on November 5, 2019. Evelyn Moore welcomed everyone. Everyone recited the Lord’s Prayer, gave the Pledge of Allegiance, and sang “God Bless America.”
Linda Bonner read the minutes of the October meeting and they were approved as read. Those having November birthdays were recognized. Those present were: Arlene Ramsey and Patty Wilfong. The group sang “Happy Birthday” to them.
The Veteran’s Day program began with Linda Bonner reading about the timing of the day and the proper way to wear the poppy. Ken Knotts then read “Those Honored Dead” followed by Arlene Ramsey reading “Take a Moment to Thank a Veteran.” Meg and Jim Buddingh then entertained the group with several songs including: “The Courthouse Wall”, “Go Rest High on the Mountain”, “2 Little Boys”, and “Soldier’s Last Letter.” “Freedom” was read by Jean Morrison before the veterans present were recognized. Fred Myers gave a report of all the activities the group has participated in during the last year. The veterans were presented with pins and certificates by Nancy Dotson from WV Caring and Evelyn Moore presented small gifts from the Senior Center.
As the military theme songs were played, the group was asked to stand if anyone in their family had served in that branch of the military. About 2/3 of the group had family members involved in military service to our country. Evelyn then read a prayer for all service men and women, past and present. This concluded the program.
A blessing on the food was given Jim Buddingh before we enjoyed a fantastic meal. Door prizes were won by: Ken Knotts, Jean Myers, and Arlene Ramsey.