Sirianni’s Cafe, located on Williams Avenue in Davis, recently celebrated their 30th year anniversary with an open house. Customers were treated to a wide array of Italian meats and cheese, shipped in especially for the event from New York. Saundra Goss, co-owner of the business, said, “The open house was to thank our loyal customers for all the years of their patronage.”
Originally known as CJ’s, Walt Ranali and Saundra Goss bought the business from her sister-in-law, Carol and her husband, Gary Thomas, in 1988 and it became Sirianni’s. They later bought the building from David Hart. According to Ranali, “During the first few years, we were glad we had other jobs to fall back on; but after five years or so, this became a full time job.” Goss credited Cathy Phillips, who worked for them from 1989 – 2010, for the huge part she played in their success.

Their hand-carved door is the first thing you notice when you walk in. It was hand carved by Joan Crawford, of Gladwin Island. Ranali said, “He wanted a door that was multi-racial, with naked atomically correct, cherubs eating pizza and drinking wine, and this she delivered.” This unusual door leads you into an even more interesting and eclectic décor made up of old photos, travel posters, antiques, and a large collection of eye catching what-nots.
Known for their relaxing family driven atmosphere, they pride themselves on having their regular local customers, as well as the tourists, who return again and again. Ranali stressed, “We understand that we are in a tourism area, but the locals are what keeps us going. The tourists are just the cream on the crock. Since the opening of Route 48, we have been getting a lot of customers from the Inwood, Moorefield, and Petersburg areas. They are coming up from even as far away as Winchester, VA, just to have lunch.” said Ranali.

Even though they are known for their pizza, there is a nice selections of salads, sandwiches, and yummy desserts on the menu. When Goss was asked what the secret to their pizza was, she laughed and said, “It’s just fresh ingredients. We make the dough fresh everyday. Our vegetables are chopped fresh everyday too.”
And this does make the difference. Hanging on their wall is the proof – USA TODAY – NAMES SIRRIANI’S THE BEST PIZZA PLACE IN WEST VIRGINIA – 2010
Michael Goss, who serves as general manager, stated, “We have had some really good help over the years. Some of our staff started at a young age and have gone on to really big high paying jobs throughout the country. They learned good work ethics here. Many of our staff have paid their college tuition by working here on weekends and the summer. Shaun Crittenden, aka “The Boss” has been with Sirianni’s since the doors first opened thirty years ago and is an intricate part of the operation. We are extremely proud of her winning the Employee of the Year Award for 2018. She is very deserving.”
Ranali and M. Goss both agreed, “Whether we are related or not, if you work here, you are family. Our employees all have the same ideals on how we want this business run and that makes it work.” S. Goss stated “I am writing between 20-30 pay checks per week, and we couldn’t do it without them.”
The business expanded into Canaan Valley, adjacent to the Deerfield Restaurant, from 1995-2000. This second restaurant is now presently located in the basement of Landis Realty in Canaan. “We are a community minded business. Tucker County is our home. We like it here. Come visit us!” said Ranali.