On Thursday, families will gather together to give thanks and celebrate Thanksgiving. That evening, as all the young ones settle in their warm beds, they will turn their thoughts to the return of one of their favorite Christmas icons – the Elf on the Shelf.
Legend has it that after Christmas, Elf on the Shelf makes its way back to the North Pole, and will return the day after Thanksgiving to make sure children remain on Santa’s nice list.
We want kids to share their Elf stories with The Parsons Advocate and invite parents to send us information about their children and their Elf. Please include photos, children’s names, ages, where they attend school and their grade. Tell us what they have named their Elf on the Shelf, and some of the mischievous pranks of Elf on the Shelf and some of the places they found their Elf hiding.
Submissions may be dropped off or mailed to The Parsons Advocate at 219 Central Ave. in Parsons, or send via email to mikie@parsonsadvocate.com. Please submit by Dec. 15.