By Heather Clower
The Parsons Advocate
A shorter agenda was before the Davis Town Council at their March 11 meeting. All town council members were present with the exception of Councilman Al Tomson. There were no guests wishing to address council moving to the approval of the minutes from February 26. Councilwoman Cindy Robeson made a motion to approve the minutes as presented with a second by Councilman John Felton.
Committee reports followed with Mayor Doug Martin offered a report referring to accounts payable and fund balances for review. He also provided the general and coal severance fund budget for council update.
Councilman Terry Helmick presented the update for streets, alleys, and water works, saying, “Just to give you a little update on the apartments down here at Blackwater, our project is about complete.” Mayor Martin added to his report stating that two, eight inch gate valves and isolated a section in preparation for potential new constructions within the 19 lots soon to be made available. This will prevent shutting off water to the entire town to tie into those new dwellings.
Moving into personnel, Martin made the announcement that Tina Wood has been hired to fill the water clerk position that will become vacant upon the retirement of Sherri Helmick. Wood will begin on March 23 to begin training. There was also a request submitted from S. Helmick for vacation to be taken March 16 through the 20 and April 13 through the 17. Councilwoman Lisa Cousin made a motion to approve this leave request with a second by Felton and all in agreement.
There were no matters to discuss within ordinances and recreation, or the cemetery committee. Martin then announced there was a meeting within Parks and Recreation on Monday and stated new doors and locks will be installed at the Community Center and limit the keys being distributed. If anyone wishes to rent the Community Center, they need to contact the Town Hall and sign a contract to receive a key for their event. Louise Ball requested someone look into the heat at the center, stating she recently attended an event and even though the heat was supposedly on high, it was very cold. This concern will be addressed.
To begin old business, Recorder Andy Snyder informed the council that the signs selected by the town as a part of the Mon Forest Initiative have been sent to the printers as of Monday. Cousin then made a motion to enter into an executive session where the council retreated to a private room. Upon returning, Martin announced no decisions were made within the session.
There were no correspondences which lead to the approval to pay the bills. T. Helmick made the motion to do so as presented with a second by Felton. This concluded the meeting of the Davis Town Council which is scheduled to convene again on Wednesday, March 25 at 6:30 p.m.