Tucker County PreK classes were presented six nutrition lessons including supporting activities in April by WVU Health Educator, Barbara Wolfe. The students learned the importance of proper hand washing and practiced it while singing the ABC song.
They tasted a rainbow of vegetables and danced to the CHOOSEY song “Stir the Soup” during the “Eating the Alphabet” vegetable lesson. They experienced milking a pretend cow during their “From Grass to Milk” dairy lesson and tasted Greek yogurt with healthy toppings. The protein lesson included the book “Pete’s Big Lunch” and students made a face sandwich with peanut butter and fruit and danced to the CHOOSY song “This is My Body”.
Students made colored pasta necklaces and enjoyed tasting an assortment of grain products during the “From Wheat to Pasta” grains lesson. The lessons were reviewed with a “Good for You Lake” fishing activity after the fruits lesson which included the book “Handa’s Surprise”.
Similar lessons are planned to include other elementary grades this coming school year.
For more information on WVU Extension Service programs contact our office at 304-478-2949, ext. 209.