Upon further research, the Parsons City Council has decided not to purchase cameras for traffic control.
Upon researching this item it was discovered that the State of West Virginia had banned any type of Photo Enforcement use in the state. The city is looking into the possibility of purchasing a traffic decelerator device (the solar powered radar type signs that are in use in other cities such as Elkins) that show your speed. Chief Rowe is checking into funding options. No decision on the use of said signs has been made at this time.
Lakin Bolinger and Delmas Hardy attended the city council meeting on Tuesday to speak about the discussed building code changes and water bill mailings.
Bolinger wanted to express his concerns about the changes to the building codes that are under discussion. He told council that he felt requiring inspections and building permits for plumbing or electrical work repairs would create a hardship on people. He stated that the costs the people would incur would be more than most could afford.
Council explained to Bolinger that none of these changes had been approved and that the Building Commission would be meeting to tweak any of the changes and then those codes would haved to be passed by council. Many council members expressed the opinion that they were not in favor of inspectors. Bolinger was invited to attend the building commission meeting.
Hardy questioned council about the mailing process for the water bills. Hardy stated that he, once again, did not receive his. Jason Myers, City Administrator explained the process to Hardy, stating that the bills were taken in bulk to the Parsons post office. The bills then go to Charleston, now, for sorting and mailing, even though the city pre-sorts the mailing before taking them to the post office. Sorting is no longer completed in the Parsons post office.
Council accepted the resignation of part-time patrolman Terry R. Queen. Council will be looking into replacing Mr. Queen.
Police Chief Rowe informed council the he and Jason Myers had been looking into a grant that would pay a portion of the salary for a police officer.
In other business, council agreed to re-appoint Marvin Canfield as a member of the Library board for a new term ending in 2019.
The next regular meeting of the Parsons City Council will be held on Tuesday, June 17, 2014 at 6 p.m. in the council chambers of the Charles W. “Bill” Rosenau Municipal Building located on Second Street in Parsons.