At the regular scheduled meeting of the Tucker County Commission on Wednesday, January 22, 2014 the Second and Final Reading of a “Bath Salts” ordinance was passed.

This ordinance makes the sale, display, distribution, possession, and use of any Substituted Cathinones (Bath Salts), Substituted Cannabinoids, and certain other Synthetic Drugs unlawful in Tucker County. Failure to comply with this ordinance could result in fines, court costs, administrative fees, and may also result in seizures and forfeitures in accordance with the statutes and guidelines for the State of West Virginia.
Darla Stemple speaking for Emergency Services told the commissioners that the Hambleton Town Hall was now ready to be used as an emergency shelter to include housing and feeding. Stemple went on to add that the heating system at the Thomas Community Center has been replaced and can once again be used as a shelter.
In other business, the commission agreed to County Extension Agent Jennifer Poling’s request for a Program Assistant. The hours and salary of said position to be agreed upon at a later date.
Commissioners made the following county board appointments: Elaine George to the Historic Landmark Commission, Roscoe Beall to the Development Authority Board and Zachary Phillips to the Building Commission. They also agreed to hire William Dilly as Clerk of the Works for one month, and approved a resolution for the Mountaintop and Five Rivers public libraries for summer reading programs.
The next meeting will be held on Wednesday, February 12, 2014 at 9 a.m. in the Tucker County Courthouse Courtroom.