DAVIS, W.Va. – In its 55th year, the West Virginia Wildflower Pilgrimage weekend at Blackwater Falls State Park offers springtime outdoors and nature explorations May 5-8, 2016.
“In addition to the Friday-through-Sunday activities, we are offering introduction to birding and introduction to wildflowers workshops Thursday afternoon for Pilgrims who may want to arrive early,” said Emily Fleming, deputy director of the West Virginia Division of Natural Resources. “The West Virginia Wildflower Pilgrimage is one of the longest-running special events sponsored by the DNR. Tours feature not only spring wildflowers, but also birds, geology and, of course, great fun.”
During this celebration of the colorful arrival of wildflowers to the state’s higher elevations, Blackwater Falls State Park is used as a starting point for excursions into surrounding areas, including Germany Valley, Dolly Sods Wilderness Area, Fernow Forest, Cathedral State Park, Sinks of Gandy, Spruce Knob, Greenland Gap, Otter Creek, Blackwater River and other trails. Specialists from West Virginia University, DNR, West Virginia Garden Club Inc. and Brooks Bird Club will be among those on hand to lead the walks and answer questions.
Lodging for the event is still available but reservations should be made soon to assure a place to stay overnight at the park. The Blackwater Lodge is nearly booked but cabins for four and eight people and campsites are still available for those who register early. The event averages about 300 people from at least 16 states each year and spaces are limited, so advance reservations are required.
For registration information, please call Emily Fleming or Wendy Greene at 304-558-2754 or write West Virginia Division of Natural Resources, 324 4th Avenue, Room 328, South Charleston, WV 25303. A registration form may be downloaded from the DNR website at www.wvdnr.gov/Pilgrimage_2016.pdf.