By Penny Ellison
The Parsons Advocate
Davis Thomas Elementary Middle School hosted its annual Veterans’ Day Celebration last Friday.
Over 30 veterans and guests attended along with parents, staff and students making a crowd of more than 200 people all honoring some of our local servicemen and women.
Principal Alicia Lambert welcomed everyone and the kindergarten class led the Pledge of Allegiance. The third graders led the gathering in the National Anthem and Elspeth DeLeurere sang America the Beautiful.
Next came one of the most touching parts of the event when various students stood and read their original works in honor of the vets. Alexis Evers gave her “Veterans Day” in which she said it could be summed up in two words: Thank You. Travis Ashby read his “Veterans Poem” in which he said: “You’re my hero”. Elora Mowery read her work, “A Soldier’s Thoughts” which was told from the perspective a soldier. Xzandra Ashby’s, “Many Ways to Appreciate Veterans”, in which she urged each of us to thank a veteran the next time we see one. “Veterans Day Poem” by Nevaeh Nichols gave a beautiful list of adjectives that describe soldiers. Trinity Bever’s “Soldiers” reminded us that all of them deserve our pride. “Veterans Day” by Dillon Drenning told us that we have all the superheroes we need- veterans! Resi Anderson was absent but fellow student read “Veterans Day” which spoke to the issue of Post Traumatic Stress Disorder and also included some interview of actual veterans and their spouses. When closing her “The Brave” Rachel Friend said: “thank you veterans for fighting and God Bless.” History of Veterans by Gracie Rapp reminded us that all service persons are important and have a vital part to play.
Following the original written pieces Lindsey Hull gave a touching rendition of the song: “More than a name on the wall.” She was accompanied by music teacher Denver Gaydon.
The program closed with the first and second graders singing and using hand motions to the song God Bless America and the veterans being showered with many, many hand-made cards by the students.
A delicious luncheon and special cake followed for the veterans and guest during which D.T.E.M.S. teacher Linda Nelson presented a $500.00 check to the Tucker County Veterans Association in memory of her family members who have served. The check will go toward the veterans’ memorial in Davis.
Let us all remember to follow the children’s advice and “thank a vet!”