The Blackwater Chapter of the Daughters of the American Revolution (DAR) presented the Tucker County Family Support Center with well over 400 infant and toddler clothing items and supplies. This donation will be distributed to children in need over the Christmas holiday.
“We are always happy to work with Blackwater DAR and appreciate their continued support. We estimate that this is well over a $1,500 donation. Blackwater DAR has donated to the Cindy’s Giving Tree Christmas project for several years now and are so thankful for their support of families living in Tucker County. ” stated April Miller, Executive Director of the Tucker County FRN
“Our members worked very hard over the past several months to collect these items. We pick projects every year that support the community and are happy to work with the staff of the Tucker County FSC program, because we know the items will go directly into the hands of families in need.” Stated Cathy Hebb, Regent Blackwater DAR
“On Monday I received word that Blackwater DAR was not quite finished with this project. Since their initial donation back in November, they have collected additional items from friends and family as far away as Virginia and Florida. We are awaiting the next donation from them and I’m sure we will not be disappointed. It would not be possible to maintain our pantry or our holiday giving programs without the generosity of individuals and groups such as Blackwater DAR. We have such great collaborative partners in Tucker County, we are truly blessed!” said April Miller.
The Cindy’s Giving Tree program has been providing Christmas gifts to children in Tucker County for the past five years. This year there are 215 children enrolled in the program. Local sponsors are recruited to either purchase Christmas gifts for kids directly, or they can make a donation and the Tucker FSC staff will use the funds to purchase items on the children’s list. For more than 20 years the Tucker County Family Support Center has also sponsored Cindy’s Closet Hygiene and Essentials Pantry which provides food, hygiene supplies, school supplies and household items for families in need.
For more information on the Cindy’s Giving Tree Project and other programs offered through the Tucker County Family Support Center contact us at 304-478-3827 or visit us on the web www.TuckerCountyFRN.org.