in Pendleton County April 29
Elkins, W.Va.,— Monongahela National Forest plans to burn Unit 1 in the Big Mountain Prescribed Burn area Friday, April 29, if weather conditions continue to be favorable. The 557-acre burn area is located approximately five miles west of Cherry Grove in Pendleton County on National Forest System land.
This prescribed burn will create conditions that favor oak regeneration, which in turn enhances wildlife habitat for the many animals that depend on oak trees for food. Prescribed burning also reduces the risk of catastrophic wildfires by consuming burnable material on the forest floor.
Monongahela National Forest follows strict guidelines for conducting prescribed burns and takes into consideration environmental factors such as temperature, humidity, smoke dispersion and wind. If any environmental conditions are not within limits, the burn will be postponed.
Signs will be posted on roads near the burn area before and during burning. The public is asked to avoid the prescribed burn area on the day of the burn and for several days after to ensure public safety. Residents and Forest visitors may see and smell smoke for several days. If you encounter smoke on the highway, slow down, turn on your vehicle’s lights and drive appropriately for the conditions.
Local radio stations will be alerted to burn activities ahead of time. Information, photos, and maps are available at InciWeb, https://inciweb.nwcg.gov/incident/8082/
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Firefighter uses a drip torch to ignite the 2018 Big Mountain Prescribed Burn. Weather permitting, fire staff plan to burn a different part of the Big Mountain area Friday April 29. (USDA Forest Service photo by Kelly Bridges)
Additional copyright-free photos of Monongahela National Forest can be found on our Flickr page at: https://www.flickr.com/photos/monongahelanf/albums
Photo credit (“USDA Forest Service”) is appreciated.