During Tuesday’s Parsons City Council meeting, Councilwoman Jane Barb shared a newspaper clipping. Although the exact date of the article is unknown, it is known it appeared prior to the installation of the clock in the tower of the Tucker County Courthouse.
Two banks,
Two bands,
Six lawyers,
Good streets,
Two garages,
Two tin shops,
Plenty of gas,
Three dentists,
Five churches,
Ten carpenters,
One undertaker,
Two shoe shops,
One tailor shop,
Two pool rooms,
Two feed stores,
One nickelodeon,
One big tannery,
Seven physicians,
Many fine homes,
One planning mill,
One big pulp mill,
One civil engineer,
Two livery stables,
A find water plant,
A canning factory,
Two jewelry shops,
Three barber shops,
One excelsior plant,
Forty automobiles,
A good news depot,
One piano salesman,
Two plumber shops,
One fine drug store,
Eight general stores,
A City Meat Market,
Three paper hangers,
Two blacksmith shops,
Three millinery stores,
One good flouring mill,
Two good local papers,
Two fine opera houses,
Three good restaurants,
One electric light plant,
Three first-class hotels,
One wagon maker shop,
Three dry goods stores,
One fine cabinet maker,
A cupola without a clock,
Two big hardware stores,
The best people on earth,
The best school teachers,
Lots of good laboring men,
A fine high school building,
One gents’ furnishing store,
One pure blood stock raiser,
Twelve room common school,
One state Prohibition paper,
Plenty good sites or factories,
Cement walks all over the city,
A fine court house in the center,
The prettiest girls in the world,
The handsomest and liveliest boys,
And the best water power in the country.