By: Jennifer Britt
The Parsons Advocate
Councilman Tim Auvil updated the council on the Pulp Mill Bottom Pond project. Auvil advised that the geese were becoming a nuisance but there was nothing really that could be done about them at this time. Auvil asked for consideration to place signs around the pond that remind anyone fishing in the pond that the fishing was catch and release. This ensures the fish have time to properly populate and grow to some size. Auvil has been made aware of some holes under and around the decking overlooking the pond and was informed it was possibly muskrats but will continue to monitor for beavers.
City of Parsons Police Chief, Kevin Keplinger, introduced to the city council the new hire Garrett Crossland-Bolyard. The council welcomed Crossland-Bolyard to the position as the new municipal judge. Crossland-Bolyard also works as a Day Report Officer with Community Corrections. Keplinger also informed the council that the newest member of the police team would the current Code Enforcer Ricky Rosier. Rosier will continue to work as code and once completion of the police academy Rosier will work part-time for the Parsons Police Department. Rosier is shadowing police calls and helping with police detail such as traffic control, funerals, and football games.
The Treasurer’s position ad was pulled from this week’s The Parsons Advocate and from Facebook to allow the council the opportunity to discuss additional changes and requirements for the position. At first Councilman Tim Turner wished to include a salary base for the job but was voted down and so the position will be paid based on education and experience.
Turner pointed out that the treasurer should not make less than the $45,000 plus that the City Administrator currently does. Auvil mentioned there was a way to have someone complete the work on a part-time basis with no benefits for less money. Thus, saving the city some money in the long haul but Auvil was over voiced by other members that wished the position to be filled by a full-time hire.
Tim Turner motioned for the approval of the revised job posting for City Treasurer with finalized edits excluding salary range but including resident requirement. The motion was seconded. Motion was carried by a four yes to three no vote. Yes votes were council members Turner, Melissa Jones, James “Sam” Humphrey, and Kathy DiBacco. No votes were Recorder Bruce Kolsun, David Greenlief, and Tim Auvil.
Kolsun then motioned for the edits and final draft to be forwarded to the personnel committee that consists of himself, Greenlief, and Mayor Dorothy Judy and have them bring it back next meeting for council approval. The motion was seconded but was denied by a three yes vote to a four no vote. The motion failed. Yes votes were Kolsun, Auvil, and Greenlief. No votes were Turner, Jones, Humphrey, and DiBacco.
At which point Turner motioned for the finalized job posting to post once the edits were complete with the ads to run in The Parsons Advocate, The InterMountain, and on Facebook. The motion is seconded and passed by a four yes to three no vote. The four yes votes were Turner, Jones, Humphrey, and DiBacco. The three no votes were Kolsun, Auvil, and Greenlief.
The council moved on to the Good of the Order section of the agenda where Kolsun thanked and commended City Administrator Agnes “Aggie” Arnold and city work force for an outstanding job done during the recent water leak on First Street near Kidwell’s Auto Parts store.
The next City Council meeting is scheduled for 6 p.m. on Tuesday, November 1, 2022, at the Charles W. “Bill” Rosenau Municipal Building, located at 341 Second Street, Parsons. If you would like an item placed on the agenda, feel free to contact the Parsons Business Office at 304-478-2311.