By: Jennifer Britt
The Parsons Advocate
Parsons’ resident, Carol Croston was present at the City of Parsons Council meeting and commended city worker Rob Rothenburgh for a job well done. Croston said, “I asked him if he would do something for me. My grandfather had died in 1953 and I asked him if he could fill it in (the cemetery plot) and he filled it in and did a really great job. I would like to thank him and the trash men. So many times, we forget about these people, and they do such a great job.” Croston continued by saying to the City Council, “I would like to thank you all for what you do for the city. The city always looks nice. The lights this time of year are so pretty, in spring the flowers are done pretty, and Veteran’s Day it really looks nice. You keep it really nice, and I appreciate all of it.”
Parsons Chief of Police, Kevin Keplinger, reported that the city has received verbal approval for the removal of an unsafe house on Spruce Street. Keplinger also expressed concerns for a specific garage door in the city that is painted with distasteful language. He recognized the freedom of speech but has hopes that he may be able to convenience the owner to clean it up. He also informed the council that his department’s officers would be assisting with the Hinkle House with vehicle traffic.
City Administrator Agnes “Aggie” Arnold recognized the city workers as well by saying, “I want to say thank you to all the guys out there. The Christmas decorations, they have been working very hard getting them up and I want to thank them. They look amazing at night, the bridge, the parks, everything looks really nice. So, if you see any lights out please do not hesitate to give me a call and we will get them fixed.”
Arnold updated the council on the Christmas parade being finalized by her and Mistee Griffith. Arnold said, “It has been busy, but we are doing our check off list and hope for a good night. Another thank you is for Carol Gwinn who has come in for four or five days and bagged about 1600 bags of candy for us. I really do appreciate all of her help because it really does take a lot of time to sit and bag candy.”
The council has approved the job posting for City Treasurer. The postings will be listed on Indeed, Facebook, and in The Parsons Advocate and the InterMountain newspapers. The window for applying for this position as well as the part-time office support specialist posted job position will close on January 13, 2023, and the council will review them again at the January 17, 2023, meeting.
The council also voted to approve a $150 net stipend for the all the city workers. Employees were to receive their bonuses the same week the meeting was held. The next City Council meeting is scheduled for 6 p.m. on Tuesday, January 3, 2023, at the Charles W. “Bill” Rosenau Municipal Building, 341 Second Street, Parsons. If anyone would like an item placed on the agenda, feel free to contact the Parsons Business Office at (304) 478-2311.