To the Citizens of Tucker County:
As you know, Tucker County Commissioners have been in Charleston several days during the current legislative session, which started on January 11, 2023. We have been in meetings with our local elected officials–Senator Randy Smith, Senator Jay Taylor and Delegate John Paul Hott—and many others in hopes of furthering legislation in support of multiple ways to provide funding for our EMS.
Unfortunately, most of the current bills regarding the funding have been stalled due to the lobbyists for the State’s tourism industry. We do, however, thanks to Senator Randy Smith, continue to have a chance at getting one piece of legislation passed, Senate Bill 429.
SB 429 will put a $1.00 health and safety fee on tourism and recreational activities within a county. These funds will be collected and divided equally between EMS and fire departments. This bill is a win, win for Tucker County.
Unfortunately, Tucker County Commission and our local legislators cannot get this bill passed alone, we need your help and support. We would ask that you contact members of our WV Legislature, local and all others as well, and let them know you support SB 429. Please visit to get the names, phone numbers and email addresses of elected State legislators and call and email their offices in support of Tucker County, our EMS and our fire departments—tell them you support SB 429.
Tucker County Commission
Michael Rosenau, President
Fred Davis, Commissioner
Tim Knotts, Commissioner