By Cathy Bonner
The Parsons Advocate
Local community residents flowed through the doors of the Tucker County Senior Center reently. Their mission: to donate blood to the local Red Cross Blood Drive.
Priscilla Flanagan, Secretary for the Kiwanis Club, explained a new feature that is now available called Power Red, which maximizes your blood donation to help more patients. Those with type O, B-, or A- can make Power Red donations, which allows one to safely donate a concentrated dose of red cells. She said “ Red blood cells are the most commonly transfused blood component, and therefore, the most needed. The red cells are what carries the oxygen through the body and help trauma and surgery patients, those undergoing organ transplants, and women experiencing complications with childbirth and, of course, people with anemia.”

According to Nancy Dotson, “The Kiwanis are holding the blood drive every 56 days and it will be located at the senior center from now on. We’ve been doing this blood drive for over 30 years as part of our community service work. We are very proud of our community and the response we’ve gotten. We truly do hold the power to help save a life.”
Better known for their corn dogs than their blood drive, the Parsons Kiwanis Club is active at most local public events. Since service to children is a primary focus of the Kiwanis, proceeds from their corn dog sales have allowed them to furnish over $3,000 in scholarships to graduating students from Tucker County High School. It also provides funds to pay the expenses of putting on blood drives.
Although a national organization extending into all 50 states, each club decides for themselves what projects to be involved with based on community needs and members’ interests. The Parsons Kiwanis Club is extending an invitation to anyone who would like to be a part of their organization. Contact Nancy Dotson at 304-614-6223 and she would be more than happy to get you started with your membership.