PARSONS – Parsons City Council members heard about concerns residents had with the proposed changes to the Wellness Center.
Council members voted during their last meeting to change the staffing and name of the Wellness Center to Wellness 24, offering clients the opportunity to use the center anytime 24/7. Current staff would be reduced to two part time positions, about 15 hours per week, and the center is slated to be closed for about a month for renovations and upgrades.
Parsons City Councilman and liaison to the Park Board, Tim Auvil said about 15 guests attended the last Park Board meeting.
“We had some guests who had some questions about how things are going to work at the Wellness Center,” Auvil said. “We addressed their concerns and we told them there are going to be some changes and adjustments on both sides. Everybody may have to change their routine slightly.”
Auvil said the group is working to address concerns. “Some we can fix, but some we cannot. I think those present have a more positive attitude when they left.”
Parsons City Administrator/Treasurer Jason Myers encouraged all council members to attend the Celebrate Parsons event.
“Celebrate Parsons, really everyone here needs to attend,” Myers said. “It is to celebrate our accomplishments and to congratulate some of our leaders. They are taking nominations and the deadline is tomorrow.”
The Celebrate Parsons event is 1 to 3 p.m. May 3.
Also during Tuesday’s Parsons City Council meeting, council members took the following actions:
-Voted to lay the levy rate at 11.96 percent for personal property; 23.92 percent for real estate and 47.84 percent for rental property.
-Approved payment for invoices totaling $37,519.90.
-Approved the purchase of a tractor, boom mower and brush cutter for $6,750, and approved necessary repairs for the mower.
-The prior company that opened and closed graves at the Parsons City Cemetery went out of business. Council members approved hiring Simmons Taxidermy for opening and closing graves at the cost of $400 per grave.
-Voted to purchase retro reflective work signs because the old ones are out of date, not to exceed $2,500.
-Voted to re-appoint Dennis Filler’s for another term at the Five Rivers Public Library.
The next regular meeting of the Parsons City Council is slated for 6 p.m. May 5. At 5:30 p.m. a public hearing is slated to consider submitting an application to the State of West Virginia Small Cities Block Grant Program for funds to finance a portion of the Water Emergency Connectio